
The cities people are attracted to live, work and play in have thriving cultural scenes and skilled, healthy communities. Culture can pull together a neighbourhood, build and grow a safe and positive environment, and majorly boost the wellbeing of the community.

Why develop partnerships?

Our commitment to creating healthy, vibrant, and culturally rich places for people is as strong as ever, that’s why we value and support our partnerships.

Cities are catalysts for ideas, economic hubs, a place to learn and grow and we’re invested in helping to preserve and improve that culture, and to create sustainable cities for everyone. We actively collaborate with our partners to bring about real change, and not only do we partner with ambitious and groundbreaking arts and cultural organisations, but each year we commit a minimum 10% of our profits to environmental, civic and charitable initiatives.

Our initiatives

Whilst charity work and our Bruntwood Cares days make up a vital part of our community work it’s also about the things we’ve done, created, and supported along the way. The Commonwealth Games, the Bruntwood Prize for playwriting, Manchester International Festival, and we contribute as individuals too - helping to shape the communities we’re in by offering our talent and energy to everything from shaping a city’s long-term strategy to helping young people from deprived communities write their CVs.

Explore our partnerships

Last year saw us work with over 30 organisations, and our continued support of a variety of worthwhile charitable organisations.

Other organisations we support

  • The Lowry logo
  • Manchester Art Gallery logo
  • Hallé logo
  • Royal Exchange Theatre logo
  • HOME logo
  • Liverpool Biennial logo
  • everyman & PLAYHOUSE logo
  • Leeds Playhouse logo
  • Compass Festival logo
  • Birmingham Repertory Theatre logo
  • Henshaws logo
  • Manchester Digital logo
  • Manchester Pride logo
  • UpRising logo
  • variety logo
  • Visit Manchester logo
  • Young Manchester logo
  • reverse rett logo
  • CATS  logo
  • University Academy 92  logo
  • Farm Urban logo
  • Collecteco logo
  • B&M Waste Services  logo
  • Manchester Metropolitan University logo
  • Bio-bean logo
  • UKGBC logo
  • Onside logo
  • An hours for others  logo
  • Leeds Community Foundation logo
  • Cheshire Community Foundation logo